Jeanine Noyes

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Toronto singer/songwriter Jeanine Noyes has toured Canada and Europe, playing music festivals and churches, living rooms and beer gardens, bars and rib fests, coffeehouses, castles and caves, theatres, wine cellars, conferences and kitchens. Her favourite gigs? The ones where she is connecting with an audience, where they are matter the size of gathering. More

The Last Song You Forgot

I grew up in a house full of music. My mom sang and played hymns in performance and—well, all the time. Then she began to forget. Read More...


The magic has a name: Jeanine Noyes! The lady with great personal presence works with a voice which enchants...Jeanine Noyes is able to sing a prayer like an angel or chants ‘I love you’ like a mantra...absolutely astonishing! Frankenpost, Bavaria, Germany More